Kenya is facing unprecedented turmoil. Here is a field update from Pastor Charles Karuri:
"Yesterday was one of the darkest days in living memory for us as Kenyans. Young, unarmed, non-violent protestors, were killed in cold blood by security forces. These young people were on the streets in massive numbers to protest a punitive tax bill about to be passed in Parliament. It is a totally new thing for this demographic to engage so intensely in the political space and in a tribe-less, class-less manner. They have been brutally critical of the corruption and deception of the political class and, sadly, of the church for being compromised by extravagant 'donations' from politicians which have caused it to lose its prophetic voice in the public square."
Thanksgiving: A few hours ago the president held a press conference where he conceded and is no longer pursuing the punitive tax bill. We thank God for this de-escalation.
Justice: Young lives were brutally cut short, scores were abducted and tortured, and hundreds were injured in a brash disregard for the rule of law. Pray that justice will prevail and those who occupy institutional offices will have the courage to do what is right.
Restraint: Tomorrow the young people are set to march to the Nairobi Statehouse in what could potentially be an even more bloody confrontation than what was witnessed yesterday. URGENTLY pray for restraint on the part of the army and police.
A New Beginning: Deeply rooted tribal animosity has been the tool of the political class since the nation's independence in 1963. The young people set to march tomorrow promise a new dawn that is tribeless. Kenya desperately needs to be set free from this tribal yoke. Pray that the Lord would be pleased to break this yoke from off of our neck.
Pray that the church will repent for looking like the world, loving the world, and losing its gospel witness.
Pray for Christians to distinguish between true and false teachers.
Pray for church leaders to speak the truth boldly and stand against injustice.
Pray that Christians live out the gospel; adorning it rather than causing it to be blasphemed.