Reflections from Lausanne
“Lausanne 4 brought together more than 5200 leaders from nearly every country in the world with the clarion call, ‘Let the church declare and display Christ Together.’” Read this reflection on attending Lausanne 4 from Harrison Mungai.
English Tutors Needed
Become a conversational partner with our team members in Cuba who are working on their English. Sign up to meet via Zoom 3-4/month.
The Story of Cuba + Neopolis
In many ways, the story of what God is doing in Neopolis globally is captured by the nearly decade-long partnership that the Lord led us to in Cuba. Read more about the history of the work of Neopolis in Cuba in "The Story of Cuba" by Jon Dennis.
Beyond Boundaries: Missiological Implications of the Creation Narrative
"The opening lines of the Bible lay down the boundaries that help us make sense of our world and also send us out into the world for the sake of God’s glory and renown."
Read more in "Beyond Boundaries: Missiological Implications of the Creation Narrative" by Sully Curtin.
Charles Karuri Appointed East Africa Regional Director
Join us in welcoming our new East Africa Regional Director, Charles Karuri.
East Africa: Future face of the Global Church
The Gospel Coalition recently published, "East Africa: Future Face of the Global Church", authored by Neopolis Director for East Africa, Pastor Charles Karuri.
Neopolis + South Africa
Pastor Rhynhardt de Bruin announces the launch of Neopolis Network in South Africa.
Key Global Initiatives: Moody Church Embraces the Work in Cuba
Key Global Initiatives: Moody Church Embraces the Work in Cuba
Join us in prayer for Kenya. Read this important field report from Pastor Charles Karuri.
In April, Pastor Charles Kurari, Neopolis Regional Director for East Africa, had the opportunity to visit and connect with Oasis Baptist Church International (OBCI) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The Praying Pastor: Infectious Prayer (PT 2)
The prayers of the praying pastor have an infectious impact on a congregation that deepens them in the vision of God, his mission in the world, beauty of a local church, the power of the Spirit, the centrality of the Word.
The Praying Pastor: Infectious Prayer (PT 1)
If God has called you as a pastor, you have the remarkable privilege to help fill the lungs of your congregation with infectious prayer.
U.S. Christians and the Coiled Spring
The global church is rising. The vast majority of the world has viable churches. There are eager church planters and pastors spanning the globe.
There is a coiled spring waiting to be sprung.
The Power of Preaching & the Printing Press: A Vision for Sub-Saharan Reformation
Pastor Charles Karuri calls for a reformation in East Africa.
New Churches, Strengthened Leaders, and Growing Faith in 2023
A letter from Chair & Lead for Vision, Jon Dennis.
Spiritual Awakening in Cuba
God in on the move in Cuba through the work and ministry of Neopolis partners. Watch, learn, and give!
Responding to the Kenyan Starvation Cult Tragedy: A Call to Christian Action
Equip pastors to proclaim the pure gospel across East Africa.
Neopolis at The Gospel Coalition
Neopolis was thrilled to participate as an exhibitor and auxiliary event host at The Gospel Coalition conference this year in Indianapolis. It was a rich time of meaningful discussion about the evolving work of global missions and an opportunity to deepen relationships while fostering new connections.